Designers and Lables


Published: August 8, 2022
Author: Fashion Value Chain

Since more than five years ago, datasets like Deep Fashion have been made available. The dataset consists of over 800,000 different fashion images with thorough annotations, ranging from perfectly staged commercial images to photos of everyday consumers. This made it easier for the company to predict a clothing item’s category and produce computer-generated images of items that seem similar.

According to experts, the early challenge in integrating AI technology into designs was due to a lack of available technologies. Before the invention of Generative Adversarial Networks, experts claim that creating realistic fashion photos was a difficult process because to the enormous amount of data in the photographs (GANs). High quality images usually contain a large number of pixels.

All about Fashion designing

Fashion designers are attempting to incorporate the technology in response to recent advancements in artificial intelligence in order to tackle a variety of issues, including forecasting future trends, achieving sustainability, and organizing supply networks, among others. What if AI handles all of these tasks without the need for human intervention?

In 2019, the media highlighted a sweater created by Hyundai’s Handsome division utilizing artificial intelligence (AI). It was the first time in Korea when an apparel manufacturer employed AI. It was created by Designovel, a data-driven fashion IT startup. The firm employed artificial intelligence to create fashion designs for its customers, which included Hyundai and other sports and fashion brands.

The tech company had admitted, then, that it might struggle to create unique ideas and simply locate an average trending design by taking advantage of superhuman processing capabilities.

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