EVENT UPDATE | Fashion Week Update

Survey to assess fashion in Europe announced by Fashion Alliance.

Published: June 24, 2023
Author: Fashion Value Chain

-By Ankita Dutta

The European Fashion Alliance will present a report on the sustainability and policy framework of the European fashion industry during its conference in Brussels at the end of The conference will feature a political round table discussion, opened by EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton and Member of the European Parliament Dr. Christian Ehler, highlighting the fashion industry’s involvement in supply chains.

The EU has several initiatives in progress to promote sustainability and circularity in the textile market. These initiatives include the Ecodesign regulation, which aims to boost sustainability and circularity in textile production; the digital labelling with a digital product passport; and the revision of the waste framework directive, which aims to reduce textile waste. Commissioner Breton emphasized the need for commitment and actionable measures from the entire fashion industry ecosystem to achieve the goals of these initiatives.

The conference focused on the positioning of the European Fashion Alliance in relation to upcoming European legislation, particularly the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and the obligation of a Digital Product Passport (DPP). The Alliance seeks to elevate European fashion as a source of innovative solutions and recognizes the importance of creativity and craftsmanship in the industry.

Carlo Capasa, board member of the European Fashion Alliance and chairman of the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, stressed the value of creativity in society and called for regulations to protect and support creative fashion. The Alliance supports the Ecodesign regulation but also calls for the consideration of the unique characteristics of creativity-driven fashion products in the implementation of eco-design requirements.

Pascal Morand, a member of the European Fashion Alliance board and the executive president of the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode, voiced endorsement for the prohibition of the disposal of unsold products, while urging for a precise delineation of merchandise that is deemed suitable for consumption and trade. He also highlighted the importance of upcycling and recycling in the circular economy mentality displayed by innovative designers.

The Alliance supports the provision of accurate and reliable information to consumers through digital product passports. However, it warns against measures that would impose excessive administrative and technological burdens on businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, and overlook the challenges of the fashion industry’s complex supply chain.

The European Fashion Alliance announced the launch of the first European survey, “Status of European Fashion,” which will serve as the basis for an industry report to be presented at the next EFA Conference. The survey will provide valuable insights and experiences from the fashion industry, enabling the Alliance to propose concrete and measurable calls for action.

The CEO of Global Fashion Agenda, Federica Marchionni, expressed pride in being part of the European Fashion Alliance and highlighted the collaboration among fashion councils and fashion weeks across Europe as an example of how ambition can drive change towards sustainability in the industry.

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