Puma, the renowned German sports equipment manufacturer, has recently appointed Julie Legrand Haverkamp as its new senior director responsible for global strategy. Despite lacking a background in sports or sneakers, Legrand Haverkamp brings valuable experience from her previous role as marketing director at H&M, where she managed the brand’s image across 70 markets. This appointment comes as part of Puma’s reorganization efforts, which began with relocating its global brand management and marketing operations to its headquarters in Germany.
Arne Freundt has been leading the brand since late 2022, with Richard Teyssier overseeing global marketing since mid-2023. Legrand Haverkamp will report to Teyssier and is expected to play a key role in enhancing Puma’s brand visibility and perception worldwide.
Teyssier expressed confidence in Legrand Haverkamp’s ability to drive Puma’s global brand strategy, aiming to strengthen the brand’s presence and perception globally. Despite the absence of specific sales figures, Puma reported a 10% sales growth in the first nine months of 2023, reaching €6.6 billion, with full-year results soon to be announced.