Les Petits, known for its luxury children’s fashion, proudly introduces Lapin House in India, unveiling an exclusive collection that radiates the joyful spirit of the season. This unique line, available solely through the Les Petits platform, brings forth delightful and fashionable outfits for children.
Lapin House beautifully blends opulence, coziness, and dependability, showcasing the designer’s imagination with charming tartan, check, floral prints, and an array of stripes. Each piece is crafted meticulously to leave a memorable impression on kids’ wardrobes, adding a playful yet stylish touch.
In a palette that includes soft hues like pink and green alongside bold tones of red and maroon, this collection offers an extensive range of colors to suit every seasonal mood. With a keen eye for detail, the brand effortlessly combines classic appeal with modern trends, elevating the allure of high-end fashion for young ones.
Swati Saraf, President of Les Petits, emphasized, “Winter often brings a search for fashionable and warm clothing for children. Lapin House aims to fulfill parents’ diverse needs by bringing a touch of playfulness and elegance to kids’ fashion, ensuring both style and comfort for the little ones.”