With a star-studded ceremony in New Delhi, footwear giant Bata India introduced accessories label Nine West to the Indian market. Chitrangda Singh, a celebrity visitor, and other attendees flocked to the capital to see Nine West’s newest shoe and handbag line.
As stated by Deepika Deepti, head of marketing at Bata India, “We want to offer our discriminating customers the best global fashion,” Indian Retailer Bureau said. “Nine West is one of the most recognizable brands in the world, having flourished worldwide since his birth in New York City. We are pleased to continue making really high fashion and premium designs available to everyone with its unique launch in India in collaboration with Bata.”
Influencers from the area, like as Bo-Tai, also attended the celebration, and visitors could peruse a lovely wall of summertime Bata accessories. A variety of party heels in striking shades of magenta and orange, with metallic alternatives for added glitter, are part of the brand’s latest collection.