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The European Union has given its stamp of approval to a set of recommendations focused on ending the fast fashion industry.

Published: April 28, 2023
Author: Fashion Value Chain

-By Ankita Dutta.

MEPs have endorsed suggestions to support circular, ecological, and socially equitable textile production in the EU. The recommendations were made by the Environment Committee of the European Parliament. The proposals are intended to bring a halt to the fast fashion sector, which is distinguished by large quantities of cheap clothing on the market.

The MEPs want stricter regulations to guarantee that textile items sold in the EU are long-lasting, simple to reuse, repair, and recycle, constructed from recycled fibres, and uncontaminated by dangerous materials. The European Parliament issued a press statement stating that they stressed the need of respecting human, social, and labour rights, ecological sustainability, and animal welfare across the textile industry’s supply chain.

Additionally, the Committee asked the Commission and EU nations to take action to curtail overconsumption of apparel and footwear. To help customers make ethical decisions, the guidelines call for an unambiguous description of fast fashion, more consumer education, and the implementation of a digital product passport.

MEPs asked for challenging, science-based goals to minimise greenhouse gas emissions
over the textile industry’s full lifecycle. They urged the use of less energy and water in
production processes, the avoidance of the use and release of hazardous materials, and the
reduction of material and consumption footprints. Eco design specifications should be
embraced as a top priority for all textile and footwear goods.

It is necessary to modify the Waste Framework Directive to incorporate explicit goals for textile debris prevention, collection, reuse, and recycling, as well as a gradual cessation of landfilling textiles. Other suggestions include to explicitly forbid the destruction of unsold and returned textile products, stop the practise of “greenwashing,” ensure fair and ethical trading, and reduce the discharge of microplastics and microfibers into the ecosystem, according to the press release.

With 68 yes votes, 0 no votes, and 1 abstention, the report was approved. Before the summer, it is anticipated that the recommendations will be adopted in plenary.

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